Wendy Lee Szany

Blogger, Youtuber, movie enthusiast, and lover of all things geeky.


My Neighbor Totoro Pop-Up Shop

My Neighbor Totoro Pop-Up Shop

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Studio Ghibli's My Neighbor Totoro, Her Universe is teaming up with Japanese book store Kinokuniya USA to bring an official pop-up shop to San Francisco, CA. The pop-up shop will take over the event space at TOTO Concept 190 from February 24th through March 18th. The shop will feature exclusive merchandise from both Her Universe and Kinokuniya USA.

Image via Her Universe

My Neighbor Totoro is one of my favorite Miyazaki films. It's a heartwarming story of two sisters - Satsuki and Mei, who encounters the forest spirit Totoro when their family relocates to the countryside. If you haven't seen this movie yet, stop everything and watch it today. 

The Studio Ghibli pop-up shop is inspired by the lush green forest where Totoro lives. Fans will find themselves surrounded by vibrant green hues, eco-friendly merchandise fixtures made of recycled cardboard and wall graphics of creatures and critters from the movie. Customers who make purchases of $100 or more at the pop-up will receive a free souvenir tot bag while supplies last. 

I wish I lived close to San Francisco because this pop-up is right up my alley. And yes, I probably would buy tons of merchandise. I have been a long time fan of Miyazaki films. When my grandfather showed me my first Miyazaki film - Nausicaa and the Windy Valley, I was enthralled by the beautiful animation, music, and story. From then on, I watched all the movies Studio Ghibli has to offer. I hope this event will open up the door for more Studio Ghibli inspired pop-ups since there are so many movies by Hayao Miyazaki to celebrate. 

Image via Her Universe

Image via Her Universe

Image via Her Universe

Image via Her Universe

Follow @KinokuniyaUSA and @HerUniverse for more announcements and sneak peeks at upcoming merchandise.

The Studio Ghibli pop-up shop will be open at 190 King Street in San Francisco from February 24th through March 18th. 


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